Ashley’s mom and I were childhood BFFs. We met when we were three years old and pretty much did everything together up through high school and our early college days. I was even there when Ashley was born. I never knew back then what a beautiful, kind, wonderful person she would turn out to be. She was clearly raised well. Must have been all the mothering practice we got in with our many, many barbies 😉
When I learned Ashley was engaged, naturally I was dying to meet this fiancé of hers. I was super ecstatic when they asked me to photograph their wedding. When we met for their engagement session, I wasn’t disappointed. He was outgoing, handsome, personable and kind; the perfect compliment to Ashley.
Ashley and Josh’s wedding day was a lovely, clear day…JUST KIDDING! Mother nature decided to throw in some hard work for these two. Luckily they work out 😉
It was the worst blizzard of the year. Yes, it was a challenge just getting into the parking lot, but that wasn’t going to stop me. We worked with what mother nature threw at us and it turned out great. Thankfully the weather calmed down for a beautiful remainder of the day.
Ashley’s mother has been going to culinary school and made this cake and cupcakes which were delicious.
Of course I had to grab a photo with my childhood BFF.